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Dancing In My Dreams

Tina Turner

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1996 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

(B. Russell, M. Cawley & K. Fleming)
I've been running from the truth
I've been running since my youth
Tired of the running
I will stand here till you see
I am you and you are me
Tired of the running

There really is no difference when you look beneath the skin
Someday I know we'll go beyond this world we're living in

Now when I lay me down to sleep
I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be
I will be dancing
Now when I lay me down to sleep
I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be
I will be dancing
Dancing in my dreams

There's no hiding in the dark
From the beating of my heart
It's getting louder
Just as long as we believe
The truth will set us free
It's getting louder

All that really matters is the light in your face
In you I see the longing of the whole human race


On and on the story goes
Or it's the passing of the torch
With one small voice it all begins
Then there are millions more
Millions more


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Esamas tekstas

(B. Russell, M. Cawley & K. Fleming)
I've been running from the truth
I've been running since my youth
Tired of the running
I will stand here till you see
I am you and you are me
Tired of the running

There really is no difference when you look beneath the skin
Someday I know we'll go beyond this world we're living in

Now when I lay me down to sleep
I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be
I will be dancing
Now when I lay me down to sleep
I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be
I will be dancing
Dancing in my dreams

There's no hiding in the dark
From the beating of my heart
It's getting louder
Just as long as we believe
The truth will set us free
It's getting louder

All that really matters is the light in your face
In you I see the longing of the whole human race


On and on the story goes
Or it's the passing of the torch
With one small voice it all begins
Then there are millions more
Millions more


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