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Traces of Liberty

Ghost Brigade

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

A sun imprisoned in dawn
Slowly drifting away from you all
Further and further
Where light and darkness never play
Make me return, when my eyes can't see home no more

Force us to crawl, again and again
Until we all break, in your head
Keep fixing the unbroken 'til your nails start to bleed
Forever lost

Was staring at your shadow
You seemed so hollow in comparison
I heard you singing but I just couldn't feel it
Would you be ready for the darkest side of me?

Fatalism raising its head for the last time
Smother the pain to live free
Kill the fear and start to forget
Forever lost - in an endless void so severe

Was staring at your shadow
You seemed so hollow in comparison
I heard you singing but I just couldn't feel it
Would you be ready for the darkest side of me?

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A sun imprisoned in dawn
Slowly drifting away from you all
Further and further
Where light and darkness never play
Make me return, when my eyes can't see home no more

Force us to crawl, again and again
Until we all break, in your head
Keep fixing the unbroken 'til your nails start to bleed
Forever lost

Was staring at your shadow
You seemed so hollow in comparison
I heard you singing but I just couldn't feel it
Would you be ready for the darkest side of me?

Fatalism raising its head for the last time
Smother the pain to live free
Kill the fear and start to forget
Forever lost - in an endless void so severe

Was staring at your shadow
You seemed so hollow in comparison
I heard you singing but I just couldn't feel it
Would you be ready for the darkest side of me?

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