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Trial By Fire

Judas Priest

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Shot down in cold blood
Didn't know my name
No-one understood
So I took the blame
Where I left my mark
When the system fell
You were in my grasp
Hid behind your veil

Bound and abused
Branded a liar
I have endured
Trial by fire

Hang me out to dry
I broke every rule
Fell right in your trap
Played me for a fool
Catch you safe and sound
Tried to make you mine
Took this holy vow
Then you crossed the line

Burden of guilt
Branded a liar
Falsely accused
Trial by fire

Committed no crime
In my innocence
I have endured trial by fire
Life is so cruel and unbearable
Can't let you get in my way
What I need now is a miracle
To get through the end of each day

Burden of guilt
Branded a liar
Whipped and abused
Trial by fire

Committed no crime
In my innocence
I have endured trial by fire

Trial by fire
Trial by fire

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 12, aukščiausia vieta: 1
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Shot down in cold blood
Didn't know my name
No-one understood
So I took the blame
Where I left my mark
When the system fell
You were in my grasp
Hid behind your veil

Bound and abused
Branded a liar
I have endured
Trial by fire

Hang me out to dry
I broke every rule
Fell right in your trap
Played me for a fool
Catch you safe and sound
Tried to make you mine
Took this holy vow
Then you crossed the line

Burden of guilt
Branded a liar
Falsely accused
Trial by fire

Committed no crime
In my innocence
I have endured trial by fire
Life is so cruel and unbearable
Can't let you get in my way
What I need now is a miracle
To get through the end of each day

Burden of guilt
Branded a liar
Whipped and abused
Trial by fire

Committed no crime
In my innocence
I have endured trial by fire

Trial by fire
Trial by fire

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