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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Dancing and celebrating
Down through the ever growing alley of life
Feasting with the council of the elder
The rejoyce of the dreamweavers

Drinking from the fountain
Pouring life into the golden cup
Sensing the euphoria
The nectar of the dreamflower
of which we are exalted

Measured and shrill / See to the sky, watch the eye slowly opens
To the edge of continuous silence / Rise to the tune of the Moon growing wiser

But in the cup of gold
our lust sows the tempting fruit of night
And the passing time of things begin
Age starts the journey, inside each being
So high the spirit! So great the whole mystery!
Shadow and light are now separated
Two creatures of the essence in the dream

See to the sky, watch the eye slowly opens
Rise to the tune of the Moon growing wiser

Measured and shrill / See to the sky, watch the eye slowly opens
To the edge of continuous silence / Rise to the tune of the Moon growing wiser

Now I see the miracle is changing
A greater world approaches
Full of light, but also full of dark
Will my being stand the test of wisdom
or shall this golden hour be the last in these Twilight Fields


Eleision Forest, where lies thee?
Lost in this empire
Hidden and posessed by lunatics
I feel no freedom
I long to see your branches open and play with the wind


Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Dancing and celebrating
Down through the ever growing alley of life
Feasting with the council of the elder
The rejoyce of the dreamweavers

Drinking from the fountain
Pouring life into the golden cup
Sensing the euphoria
The nectar of the dreamflower
of which we are exalted

Measured and shrill / See to the sky, watch the eye slowly opens
To the edge of continuous silence / Rise to the tune of the Moon growing wiser

But in the cup of gold
our lust sows the tempting fruit of night
And the passing time of things begin
Age starts the journey, inside each being
So high the spirit! So great the whole mystery!
Shadow and light are now separated
Two creatures of the essence in the dream

See to the sky, watch the eye slowly opens
Rise to the tune of the Moon growing wiser

Measured and shrill / See to the sky, watch the eye slowly opens
To the edge of continuous silence / Rise to the tune of the Moon growing wiser

Now I see the miracle is changing
A greater world approaches
Full of light, but also full of dark
Will my being stand the test of wisdom
or shall this golden hour be the last in these Twilight Fields


Eleision Forest, where lies thee?
Lost in this empire
Hidden and posessed by lunatics
I feel no freedom
I long to see your branches open and play with the wind


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