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Vicious Circle

Judas Priest

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

You tear my soul apart
By any means with wicked schemes cut deep
The way that you contrive
Makes me wonder how you ever sleep

Still I held out every chance
You'd come back to your senses
But that path was filled with smoke
To prove what you intended

I stand against you as you rage
My fate has struck your gilded cage
I knew you'd bite and hurt us
Vicious Circle

A parody of truth
Is mirrored in the mask you chose to wear
With empathy so numb
You never felt the lives that you despair

Master of hypocrisy
Who dislocates my reason
Through constant lies that you implant
This manifest of treason

Provoked to go to any length
I'll use up every ounce of strength
And break the chain that binds this
Vicious Circle

Still I held out every chance
You'd come back to your senses
But that path was filled with smoke
To prove what you intended

I stand against you as you rage
My fate has struck your gilded cage
I knew you'd bite and hurt us
Vicious Circle

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You tear my soul apart
By any means with wicked schemes cut deep
The way that you contrive
Makes me wonder how you ever sleep

Still I held out every chance
You'd come back to your senses
But that path was filled with smoke
To prove what you intended

I stand against you as you rage
My fate has struck your gilded cage
I knew you'd bite and hurt us
Vicious Circle

A parody of truth
Is mirrored in the mask you chose to wear
With empathy so numb
You never felt the lives that you despair

Master of hypocrisy
Who dislocates my reason
Through constant lies that you implant
This manifest of treason

Provoked to go to any length
I'll use up every ounce of strength
And break the chain that binds this
Vicious Circle

Still I held out every chance
You'd come back to your senses
But that path was filled with smoke
To prove what you intended

I stand against you as you rage
My fate has struck your gilded cage
I knew you'd bite and hurt us
Vicious Circle

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