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Were We Once Lovers?


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

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We shared a life, we shared a heart
But what we united seems to be breaking apart
It's a haunting pain, goes right to the core
Now we're dividing what's mine from what's yours
I'll keep the same old things I had when we met
And you'll keep what's yours 'cause that would only be fair
But what about the heart that we both created together?
We used to be the toast of the town
We used to have the best love of all
We had blue skies but they came falling down
What happened to us
You and I once were lovers
No cheating hearts and no one did wrong
So why did we break, can't say our love wasn't strong
But I know with time things that start to mend
So let's fix these hearts so they can't be broken again
You need a man who sees how lonely you've been
Don't worry, I will start all over and then
We will get back the heart that we both created together
Last night I cried but girl you were not here
So it was just a big waste of tears
But then I smiled, I heard your voice in my ear
Tellin' me you wish it could be like it was in the beginning

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Esamas tekstas

We shared a life, we shared a heart
But what we united seems to be breaking apart
It's a haunting pain, goes right to the core
Now we're dividing what's mine from what's yours
I'll keep the same old things I had when we met
And you'll keep what's yours 'cause that would only be fair
But what about the heart that we both created together?
We used to be the toast of the town
We used to have the best love of all
We had blue skies but they came falling down
What happened to us
You and I once were lovers
No cheating hearts and no one did wrong
So why did we break, can't say our love wasn't strong
But I know with time things that start to mend
So let's fix these hearts so they can't be broken again
You need a man who sees how lonely you've been
Don't worry, I will start all over and then
We will get back the heart that we both created together
Last night I cried but girl you were not here
So it was just a big waste of tears
But then I smiled, I heard your voice in my ear
Tellin' me you wish it could be like it was in the beginning

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