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What I Like Most About You Is Your Girlfriend

Nouvelle Vague

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Hello and how are you and how do you do?
And who is that girl standing right next to you?
And what is her name and what does she do?
I'm looking at her while I'm talking to you
Her love must be sweeter than candy
Must be stronger than brandy
Why does she like you not me?
Can I buy you a drink?
You seem a decent chap
I'm friendly to your face but behind your back
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
Her love must be sweeter than candy
Must be stronger than brandy
Why does she like you not me?
I agree with what you say, I think that it's true
Your girlfriend has only got one fault, that's you
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
When will we meet again and where will it be?
Why don't you both come over to my house for tea?
I'd rather she came round on her own, yes it's true
Your girlfriend is what I like most about you
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Hello and how are you and how do you do?
And who is that girl standing right next to you?
And what is her name and what does she do?
I'm looking at her while I'm talking to you
Her love must be sweeter than candy
Must be stronger than brandy
Why does she like you not me?
Can I buy you a drink?
You seem a decent chap
I'm friendly to your face but behind your back
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
Her love must be sweeter than candy
Must be stronger than brandy
Why does she like you not me?
I agree with what you say, I think that it's true
Your girlfriend has only got one fault, that's you
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
When will we meet again and where will it be?
Why don't you both come over to my house for tea?
I'd rather she came round on her own, yes it's true
Your girlfriend is what I like most about you
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true
What I like most about you is your girlfriend, it's true

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