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What Now, My Love

Roy Orbison

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1969 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

What now, my love, now that you've left me
How can I live through another day
Watching my dreams turning to ashes
And my hopes into bits of clay

Once I could see, once I could feel
Now I am numb, I've become unreal
I walk the night without a goal
Stripped of my heart, my soul

What now, my love, now that it's over
I feel the world closing in on me
Here come the stars tumbling around me
There's the sky where the sea should be

What now, my love, now that you've gone
I'd be a fool to go on and on
No one would care, no one would cry
If I should live or die

What now, my love, now there is nothing
Only my last goodbye

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

What now, my love, now that you've left me
How can I live through another day
Watching my dreams turning to ashes
And my hopes into bits of clay

Once I could see, once I could feel
Now I am numb, I've become unreal
I walk the night without a goal
Stripped of my heart, my soul

What now, my love, now that it's over
I feel the world closing in on me
Here come the stars tumbling around me
There's the sky where the sea should be

What now, my love, now that you've gone
I'd be a fool to go on and on
No one would care, no one would cry
If I should live or die

What now, my love, now there is nothing
Only my last goodbye

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