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Wicked World


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

There's blood on the gun, that's in your hand
And a murder in front of you
Send out the wolves, the king is dead
Little pills taken over
This means war
Did the sun just burn out, leaving you all alone?
Living in a wicked world
Living in a wicked world
There's no way you will escape
No one ever gets away
Love was the fuel that drove your sin
When the majesty followed you
The witches dance, the night begins
And the hearts taken over
The royalty won't wash away
It's his scent that's inside of you
"Off with her head"
The queen she screams
Little pills taken over
This means war
Did the sun just burn out leaving you all alone?
Living in a wicked world
Living in a wicked world
There's no way you will escape
No one ever gets away
Living in a wicked world
Living in a wicked world
It's a wicked world
Will someone save me, save me? (Living in a wicked world)
Somebody save me (living in a wicked world)
Somebody save me (living in a wicked world)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

There's blood on the gun, that's in your hand
And a murder in front of you
Send out the wolves, the king is dead
Little pills taken over
This means war
Did the sun just burn out, leaving you all alone?
Living in a wicked world
Living in a wicked world
There's no way you will escape
No one ever gets away
Love was the fuel that drove your sin
When the majesty followed you
The witches dance, the night begins
And the hearts taken over
The royalty won't wash away
It's his scent that's inside of you
"Off with her head"
The queen she screams
Little pills taken over
This means war
Did the sun just burn out leaving you all alone?
Living in a wicked world
Living in a wicked world
There's no way you will escape
No one ever gets away
Living in a wicked world
Living in a wicked world
It's a wicked world
Will someone save me, save me? (Living in a wicked world)
Somebody save me (living in a wicked world)
Somebody save me (living in a wicked world)

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