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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I'll make you line up, 'cause I'm imperial
Shapeshifting into what I want, and now I own you all

But I already know
I can't let you go
Like my ritual
My ritual
'Cause I already know
I can't let you go
You're my ritual
My ritual playground

Ooh, I got the spark to light your fire
You're going down for milk and honey
With every touch I embody your desire
You're going, you're going down with my ritual
You're going down with my ritual

I'll make you rise up into my midnight oil
Drink, drink
Wet martini from my paper cup
Going down the rabbit hole

But I already know
I can't let you go
Like my ritual
My ritual
'Cause I already know
I can't let you go
You're my ritual
My ritual playground

Ooh, I got the spark to light your fire
You're going down for milk and honey
With every touch I embody your desire
You're going, you're going down with my ritual
You're going down with my ritual

Your equality, your vanity, your relevancy
Sexuality and venomous perversity
Venomous perversity
Venomous perversity

Ooh, I got the spark to light your fire
You're going down for milk and honey
With every touch I embody your desire
You're going, you're going down with my ritual

You're going down with my ritual
You're going down with my ritual

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I'll make you line up, 'cause I'm imperial
Shapeshifting into what I want, and now I own you all

But I already know
I can't let you go
Like my ritual
My ritual
'Cause I already know
I can't let you go
You're my ritual
My ritual playground

Ooh, I got the spark to light your fire
You're going down for milk and honey
With every touch I embody your desire
You're going, you're going down with my ritual
You're going down with my ritual

I'll make you rise up into my midnight oil
Drink, drink
Wet martini from my paper cup
Going down the rabbit hole

But I already know
I can't let you go
Like my ritual
My ritual
'Cause I already know
I can't let you go
You're my ritual
My ritual playground

Ooh, I got the spark to light your fire
You're going down for milk and honey
With every touch I embody your desire
You're going, you're going down with my ritual
You're going down with my ritual

Your equality, your vanity, your relevancy
Sexuality and venomous perversity
Venomous perversity
Venomous perversity

Ooh, I got the spark to light your fire
You're going down for milk and honey
With every touch I embody your desire
You're going, you're going down with my ritual

You're going down with my ritual
You're going down with my ritual

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