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In The Presence Of


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2001 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Deeper than every ocean
Deeper than every river
That's what your presence brings to me

Revealing the words I listen
Seeing you in my silence
Learning I'm with you constantly
As I was before

If we were flowers
We would worship the sun
So why not now?
This high is shining brightly
Brighter than before

As the door was open wide
There inside was a diamond chair
Where I sat when I was young
I wrote down the words

Only when the young at heart
Can enter the real world
This chance I've waited for
For you to see

If I had chances I would spend them with you
To hold you close and let your love surround me
Deeper than before

(Deeper than every ocean)
And I know this love is real
(Deeper than every river)
Realize this is meant to be
That's what your eyes they say to me
You are listening to how I feel
So expectedly
(Brighter than every morning)
From the ocean to the sky
(Beautiful as the sunset)
Every river to the sea
Nature surrounds me constantly
We can hear love constantly
This is for you and me

Turn around and come deeper now
So what happens when I touch you there
You feel the words roll over you
Thinking of the better scenes
The memories
As everybody else just
Hasn't got the time
To help you anymore

'Cause if the reason for
The things that pleasure us
To please ourselves
Not pressure us
To give our ego
Some pleasure time

Can you imagine
Any reason
To know you're only fooling yourself
And then you'll understand why
You'll understand why

So if we choose to realize
All existence is a dream
This perfect resume to you
From me

Just had a tough time with magic
The death of ego
The moon
It was just coming through

Send me such a good time
In a letter form, tell me
The pleasure, no pressure
Pure imagination in a metaphoric dream

I get amazed like a true beginner
I get amazed like a true believer
I get amazed when I see you there
And I come alive

I believe I'm a true beginner
I believe I'm a true beginner
In your arms I can see it all
I can see it all

If we were flowers
We would worship the sun
So why not now?
This light is burning brightly
This light is burning brightly
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Brighter than before

Turn around and remember that
When it gets so low
As you finally hit the ground

Turn around and remember that
Now I'm standing tall
Standing on my sacred ground

Turn around and remember that
When it gets so low
As you finally hit the ground

Turn around and remember that
Now you're standing tall
Standing on sacred ground
Standing on sacred ground
Standing on sacred ground

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Deeper than every ocean
Deeper than every river
That's what your presence brings to me

Revealing the words I listen
Seeing you in my silence
Learning I'm with you constantly
As I was before

If we were flowers
We would worship the sun
So why not now?
This high is shining brightly
Brighter than before

As the door was open wide
There inside was a diamond chair
Where I sat when I was young
I wrote down the words

Only when the young at heart
Can enter the real world
This chance I've waited for
For you to see

If I had chances I would spend them with you
To hold you close and let your love surround me
Deeper than before

(Deeper than every ocean)
And I know this love is real
(Deeper than every river)
Realize this is meant to be
That's what your eyes they say to me
You are listening to how I feel
So expectedly
(Brighter than every morning)
From the ocean to the sky
(Beautiful as the sunset)
Every river to the sea
Nature surrounds me constantly
We can hear love constantly
This is for you and me

Turn around and come deeper now
So what happens when I touch you there
You feel the words roll over you
Thinking of the better scenes
The memories
As everybody else just
Hasn't got the time
To help you anymore

'Cause if the reason for
The things that pleasure us
To please ourselves
Not pressure us
To give our ego
Some pleasure time

Can you imagine
Any reason
To know you're only fooling yourself
And then you'll understand why
You'll understand why

So if we choose to realize
All existence is a dream
This perfect resume to you
From me

Just had a tough time with magic
The death of ego
The moon
It was just coming through

Send me such a good time
In a letter form, tell me
The pleasure, no pressure
Pure imagination in a metaphoric dream

I get amazed like a true beginner
I get amazed like a true believer
I get amazed when I see you there
And I come alive

I believe I'm a true beginner
I believe I'm a true beginner
In your arms I can see it all
I can see it all

If we were flowers
We would worship the sun
So why not now?
This light is burning brightly
This light is burning brightly
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Brighter than before

Turn around and remember that
When it gets so low
As you finally hit the ground

Turn around and remember that
Now I'm standing tall
Standing on my sacred ground

Turn around and remember that
When it gets so low
As you finally hit the ground

Turn around and remember that
Now you're standing tall
Standing on sacred ground
Standing on sacred ground
Standing on sacred ground

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2015 m. liepos 11 d. 19:24:51
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Wiki teigia, kad albumas įrašytas nenaudojant klavišinių. Tad kaip čia gaunasi, kad dainos pradžioje kuo aiškiausiai girdėti pianinas?

Daina gavosi ilga, tačiau monolitinė, be duobių, iki galo prikaustanti dėmesį. Tokius Yes aš mėgstu.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

Copyright 2001-2024 Visos teisės saugomos. Kopijuoti be autorių sutikimo draudžiama.

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