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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1971 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley

The music dance and sing
They make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view
Of distance atmosphere
Call it morning driving thru the sound and even in the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

Along the drifting cloud the eagle searching down on the land
Catching the swirling wind the sailor sees the rim of the land
The eagle's dancing wings create as weather spins out of hand

Go closer hold the land feel partly no more than grains of sand
We stand to lose all time a thousand answers by in our hand
Next to your deeper fears we stand surrounded by a million years

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
Twenty four before my love and I'll be there

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
You spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

Susiję įrašai:
 2012-01-02  einaras13

Kokia jūsų nuotaika? Skaičiais

 2012-01-08  einaras13

Didžiausi vargai artėja

 2012-04-24  einaras13

Niekinis diary about meine prisiminimai (rašo poliglotas)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley

The music dance and sing
They make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view
Of distance atmosphere
Call it morning driving thru the sound and even in the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

Along the drifting cloud the eagle searching down on the land
Catching the swirling wind the sailor sees the rim of the land
The eagle's dancing wings create as weather spins out of hand

Go closer hold the land feel partly no more than grains of sand
We stand to lose all time a thousand answers by in our hand
Next to your deeper fears we stand surrounded by a million years

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
Twenty four before my love and I'll be there

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
You spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (3)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

Justas Juškevičius Justas Juškevičius
2012 m. lapkričio 5 d. 14:17:57
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

O aš irgi ta pati norejau pasakit apie ši gabalą, iš tiesu labai puikus kurinis.

2012 m. liepos 21 d. 20:17:41
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Tikrai dešimtuke pačiausių Yes dainų. Man iki šiol nepralenkta yra Awaken. Sutinku su Einaru, kad  savo instrumentų kategorijose Yes muzikantai šiame albume yra nepralenkiami asai. Turiu video Yessongs - ką ten Styvas Howe išdirbinėja su akustine gitara yra fantastika. Skvairas labai labai geras. Rikas Weikmanas kiek mažiau pastebimas dėl operatoriaus darbo, bet kiek matyti, labai geroj formoj. Šitas laikmetis - jų pikas.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
2012 m. balandžio 18 d. 10:03:34
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Pati pačiausia Yes daina. Mėgstu labai. Jau Squire'o įdirbis su bosine gitara yra nerealus. Šios dainos boso partija labiausiai patinkanti iš visų girdėtų... Taip pat nerealus gitaros ir sintezatoriaus solo prieš paskutinįjį posmą. Žodžiu, puiku ir duočiau balų už maksimumą daugiau, deja, tiek negaliu, tai tebūnie 10.

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

Copyright 2001-2024 Visos teisės saugomos. Kopijuoti be autorių sutikimo draudžiama.

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