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Little Bit of Truth

You Me At Six

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

All I want to do is write a song
One I haven't ever sung before
I don't want to sing the same old thing
It wouldn't mean anything to me
All I want to do is write a song
But everything I say just comes out wrong
I guess I'll just throw my thoughts away
Maybe pick them up another day

I just lost control
I just wanted you to know
When I'm on my own
I feel invisible
And I just lost control
I just needed you to know
When in front of you
I feel invincible

I want to write a song that makes you smile
One that keeps you around for a while
I wish for small things like losing this feeling
I've seen this coming, I've seen you leaving

I just lost control
I just wanted you to know
When I'm on my own
I feel invisible
And I just lost control
I just needed you to know
When in front of you
I feel invincible

I know I've said and done some things
That've made you feel a little empty
I've got a whole lot to learn
Every bridge I see I seem to burn
So, all I've got to do is sing a song
Tell a little truth to everyone
Sick of saying sorry when I'm not
But after a little love that's
That's all I've
That's all I've got

I just lost control
I just wanted you to know
When I'm on my own
I feel invisible
And I just lost control
I just needed you to know
When in front of you
I feel invincible, invincible

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

All I want to do is write a song
One I haven't ever sung before
I don't want to sing the same old thing
It wouldn't mean anything to me
All I want to do is write a song
But everything I say just comes out wrong
I guess I'll just throw my thoughts away
Maybe pick them up another day

I just lost control
I just wanted you to know
When I'm on my own
I feel invisible
And I just lost control
I just needed you to know
When in front of you
I feel invincible

I want to write a song that makes you smile
One that keeps you around for a while
I wish for small things like losing this feeling
I've seen this coming, I've seen you leaving

I just lost control
I just wanted you to know
When I'm on my own
I feel invisible
And I just lost control
I just needed you to know
When in front of you
I feel invincible

I know I've said and done some things
That've made you feel a little empty
I've got a whole lot to learn
Every bridge I see I seem to burn
So, all I've got to do is sing a song
Tell a little truth to everyone
Sick of saying sorry when I'm not
But after a little love that's
That's all I've
That's all I've got

I just lost control
I just wanted you to know
When I'm on my own
I feel invisible
And I just lost control
I just needed you to know
When in front of you
I feel invincible, invincible

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