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You're No Good

Bob Dylan

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1962 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Well, I dont know why I love you like I do
Nobody in the world can get along with you
You got the ways of a devil sleeping in a lion's den
I come home last night you wouldn't even let me in.

Oh sometimes you're as sweet as nobody want to be
Oh when you get the crazy notion of jumping all over me
Well, you give me the blues, I guess you're satisfied
When you give me the blues I wanna lay down and die.

After when you had no shoes on your feet, pretty mama
After when you had no food to eat
Now you're that kind of woman that just don't understand
You're taking all my money and give it to another man.

Well, you're that kind of woman makes a man lose his brains
You're that kind of woman drives me insane
Well, you give me the blues, I guess you're satisfied
You give me the blues, I wanna lay down and die.

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Esamas tekstas

Well, I dont know why I love you like I do
Nobody in the world can get along with you
You got the ways of a devil sleeping in a lion's den
I come home last night you wouldn't even let me in.

Oh sometimes you're as sweet as nobody want to be
Oh when you get the crazy notion of jumping all over me
Well, you give me the blues, I guess you're satisfied
When you give me the blues I wanna lay down and die.

After when you had no shoes on your feet, pretty mama
After when you had no food to eat
Now you're that kind of woman that just don't understand
You're taking all my money and give it to another man.

Well, you're that kind of woman makes a man lose his brains
You're that kind of woman drives me insane
Well, you give me the blues, I guess you're satisfied
You give me the blues, I wanna lay down and die.

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