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Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody

Bring Me the Horizon

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2004 m.

A cherry sunset blossoms
But we're not there to watch it fall!
On the vacant canvas, we should be waiting
With our face down on the grass
Staring 'till our eyes give way
Let's paint this city black
While the night's still young
This cherry sunset withers
Our words, as frail as paper
A dawn I thought we'd never see
Alone on this silent beach
There is nothing we can do
There is nothing we can do
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself
The trees rot down to nothing
Throats dry out and corpses fill the sidewalks
These promenades, our graveyards
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself
Take a picture, take a picture
Take a picture, take a picture
Take a picture
Take a picture, take a picture
Take a picture, take a picture
It will last longer
Our hands in prayer formation
Our elbows on the bed
One last try for heaven
Thinking who wants flowers when you're dead?
You're dead
When you're dead
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
A cherry sunset

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A cherry sunset blossoms
But we're not there to watch it fall!
On the vacant canvas, we should be waiting
With our face down on the grass
Staring 'till our eyes give way
Let's paint this city black
While the night's still young
This cherry sunset withers
Our words, as frail as paper
A dawn I thought we'd never see
Alone on this silent beach
There is nothing we can do
There is nothing we can do
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself
The trees rot down to nothing
Throats dry out and corpses fill the sidewalks
These promenades, our graveyards
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself out
The sky, it burns itself
Take a picture, take a picture
Take a picture, take a picture
Take a picture
Take a picture, take a picture
Take a picture, take a picture
It will last longer
Our hands in prayer formation
Our elbows on the bed
One last try for heaven
Thinking who wants flowers when you're dead?
You're dead
When you're dead
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
Cherry, cherry
A cherry sunset

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