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We Sink


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2013 m.

We are
I've come apart and you made me
Float like
A pretty box of your evil
So tired
So easy I

Bleed out
What the fuck were you thinking
We are
Gonna fall if you lead us
No wasted time

[Chorus 2x:]
I'll be a thorn in your side
'Til you die
I'll be a thorn in your side
For always
If we sink
We lift our love

We are
Let me stop for a second
Held heart
Only beats in the evening
Low tide
Watching for flight

I tell you
To cut it out if you made me
You know why
The slowest spark is a breather
How high
How will you decide

[Chorus 2x]

So low
You keep stalling
Can you not see why

Say, say, say
Love was
Say, say, say
That you see cry
Say, say, say
A simple call seems right
Say, say, say
And I know why

[Chorus 2x]

Get up after you
Get up after you

Topai ir rinkimai:
2014 Muzikos pulsas - Muzikos pulsas | 2014 m. birželio 15 d.
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

We are
I've come apart and you made me
Float like
A pretty box of your evil
So tired
So easy I

Bleed out
What the fuck were you thinking
We are
Gonna fall if you lead us
No wasted time

[Chorus 2x:]
I'll be a thorn in your side
'Til you die
I'll be a thorn in your side
For always
If we sink
We lift our love

We are
Let me stop for a second
Held heart
Only beats in the evening
Low tide
Watching for flight

I tell you
To cut it out if you made me
You know why
The slowest spark is a breather
How high
How will you decide

[Chorus 2x]

So low
You keep stalling
Can you not see why

Say, say, say
Love was
Say, say, say
That you see cry
Say, say, say
A simple call seems right
Say, say, say
And I know why

[Chorus 2x]

Get up after you
Get up after you

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