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Gates of Hell

Judas Priest

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

It's a long way down to purgatory
But we'll get there if you ride with me
You're invited on your mind we'll feast
There's a place set at the table of the beast

Lose your mind and take control
Sign on the line and let the priest sell your soul

We'll go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
To the choirs of the insane

At the altar I will get down on my knees
I can't falter when this faith becomes my creed
I surrender every ounce of my free will
When we worship in the covenant of steel

Lose your mind and take control
Sign on the line and sell the devil your soul

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
Our kingdom and domain

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
And hell is where we reign

This monument is cast in chrome
The holy ghost burns on his throne

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
To the choirs of the insane

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
And hell is where we reign

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

It's a long way down to purgatory
But we'll get there if you ride with me
You're invited on your mind we'll feast
There's a place set at the table of the beast

Lose your mind and take control
Sign on the line and let the priest sell your soul

We'll go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
To the choirs of the insane

At the altar I will get down on my knees
I can't falter when this faith becomes my creed
I surrender every ounce of my free will
When we worship in the covenant of steel

Lose your mind and take control
Sign on the line and sell the devil your soul

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
Our kingdom and domain

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
And hell is where we reign

This monument is cast in chrome
The holy ghost burns on his throne

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
To the choirs of the insane

We go screaming through the gates of hell
We got fire in our veins
Oh we're screaming through the gates of hell
And hell is where we reign

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