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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2018 m. lapkričio 14 d.

I still watch you when you're groovin'
As if through water from the bottom of a pool
You're movin' without movin'
And when you move, I'm moved
You are a call to motion
There all of you a verb in perfect view
Like Jonah on the ocean
When you move, I'm moved

When you move
I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be
When you move
I could never define all that you are to me

So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby

You are the rite of movement
Its reasonin' made lucid and cool
And though it's no improvement
When you move, I move
You're less Polunin leapin'
Or Fred Astaire in sequins
Honey, you, you're Atlas in his sleepin'
And when you move, I'm moved

When you move
I can recall somethin' that's gone from me
When you move
Honey, I'm put in awe of somethin' so flawed and free

So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Like you've nothin' left to prove
And nothin' to lose
Move me, baby

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh baby, oh baby
Move like grey skies
Move like a bird of paradise
Move like an odd sight come out at night

Move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Like you've nothin' left to lose
And nothin' to prove
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 20, aukščiausia vieta: 21
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I still watch you when you're groovin'
As if through water from the bottom of a pool
You're movin' without movin'
And when you move, I'm moved
You are a call to motion
There all of you a verb in perfect view
Like Jonah on the ocean
When you move, I'm moved

When you move
I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be
When you move
I could never define all that you are to me

So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby

You are the rite of movement
Its reasonin' made lucid and cool
And though it's no improvement
When you move, I move
You're less Polunin leapin'
Or Fred Astaire in sequins
Honey, you, you're Atlas in his sleepin'
And when you move, I'm moved

When you move
I can recall somethin' that's gone from me
When you move
Honey, I'm put in awe of somethin' so flawed and free

So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Like you've nothin' left to prove
And nothin' to lose
Move me, baby

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh baby, oh baby
Move like grey skies
Move like a bird of paradise
Move like an odd sight come out at night

Move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Like you've nothin' left to lose
And nothin' to prove
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby

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