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Only You


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Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika

When the night is young but it makes you feel much older
And you comatose each waking hour of life
When the days go by but the darkness lingers longer
And before you know it life is one long night

But when I close my eyes, I see you stand before me
And if you take my hand, I'll leave it all behind

Because only you can set me free
So hold me close just like the first time

Flashing lights illuminate your halo
And my pounding heartbeat thunders like a drum
When we used to dance we've never cast a shadow
Cause there was only you and me when we were young

And in a sea of scars the first cut is the deepest
No matter where you are, I'll always think of you

Because only you can set me free
So hold me close just like the first time
And show me how it used to be
Because only you can set me free
(Only you can set me free)

Only you
Only you

Because only you can set me free
So hold me close just like the first time
And show me how it used to be
Because only you can set me free
(Only you can set me free)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

When the night is young but it makes you feel much older
And you comatose each waking hour of life
When the days go by but the darkness lingers longer
And before you know it life is one long night

But when I close my eyes, I see you stand before me
And if you take my hand, I'll leave it all behind

Because only you can set me free
So hold me close just like the first time

Flashing lights illuminate your halo
And my pounding heartbeat thunders like a drum
When we used to dance we've never cast a shadow
Cause there was only you and me when we were young

And in a sea of scars the first cut is the deepest
No matter where you are, I'll always think of you

Because only you can set me free
So hold me close just like the first time
And show me how it used to be
Because only you can set me free
(Only you can set me free)

Only you
Only you

Because only you can set me free
So hold me close just like the first time
And show me how it used to be
Because only you can set me free
(Only you can set me free)

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