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Loss of Life


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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

You can sail off the edges of the earth
Greet the workers of the universe
Still nothing prepares you for loss of life

At the table, undressing cosmic knots
What remains of disconnected dots
Who knows how the painting will look in the morning
When the day is born and life is ending

But it's neither created nor destroyed
There's a way to quiet all the noise
'Cause it's only a different kind of gain
Even if your color fades away

When thе world is born and life is ending
Then you lеarn to love your loss of life
When the morning comes and life is over
Anyone can love, anyone can love

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You can sail off the edges of the earth
Greet the workers of the universe
Still nothing prepares you for loss of life

At the table, undressing cosmic knots
What remains of disconnected dots
Who knows how the painting will look in the morning
When the day is born and life is ending

But it's neither created nor destroyed
There's a way to quiet all the noise
'Cause it's only a different kind of gain
Even if your color fades away

When thе world is born and life is ending
Then you lеarn to love your loss of life
When the morning comes and life is over
Anyone can love, anyone can love

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