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Mistress of Mercy

Bruce Dickinson

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Verse 1]
Give me my freedom, release me from pain
Mistress of mercy, come thrill me again
Time to return to the world which I came
No more tomorrows, no judgement or blame

I can be what I never was
Skeletons of fury 'cause my mind was lost
Far from the old ways, sleep of the awake
Lost in the harmony, the majesty, the ecstasy

[Verse 2]
Hunting down souls of the blackened and damned
Burnt from the future, who knows where I'll land?
I do believе there's a god in this world
For I can becomе what my science has learned

I can be what I never was
Now that I am ready 'cause my mind is lost
Far from the old ways, sleep of the awake
Lost in the harmony, the majesty, the ecstasy

[Instrumental Break]

I can be what I never was
Now that I am ready, now my mind is lost
Far from the old ways, sleep of the awake
Lost in the harmony, the majesty, the ecstasy

Another world, another life, an afterlife again
Lost in the ecstasy, the harmony, the majesty

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
Give me my freedom, release me from pain
Mistress of mercy, come thrill me again
Time to return to the world which I came
No more tomorrows, no judgement or blame

I can be what I never was
Skeletons of fury 'cause my mind was lost
Far from the old ways, sleep of the awake
Lost in the harmony, the majesty, the ecstasy

[Verse 2]
Hunting down souls of the blackened and damned
Burnt from the future, who knows where I'll land?
I do believе there's a god in this world
For I can becomе what my science has learned

I can be what I never was
Now that I am ready 'cause my mind is lost
Far from the old ways, sleep of the awake
Lost in the harmony, the majesty, the ecstasy

[Instrumental Break]

I can be what I never was
Now that I am ready, now my mind is lost
Far from the old ways, sleep of the awake
Lost in the harmony, the majesty, the ecstasy

Another world, another life, an afterlife again
Lost in the ecstasy, the harmony, the majesty

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