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Winter Wonderland

Perry Como

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1999 m.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'?
In the lane, snow is glistenin'
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, "Are you married?" we'll say, "No man"
"But you can do the job when you're in town"
Later on we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid the plans that we've made
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'?
In the lane, snow is glistenin'
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Ooh, walkin' in a winter wonderland
Gone away is a bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, "Are you married?" we'll say, "No man"
"You can do the job when you're in town"
Later on we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid the plans that we've made
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
We'll be happy in love as two turtle-doves
Livin' in a fairyland
Ooh, we'll be walkin' in a winter wonderland

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'?
In the lane, snow is glistenin'
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, "Are you married?" we'll say, "No man"
"But you can do the job when you're in town"
Later on we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid the plans that we've made
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'?
In the lane, snow is glistenin'
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Ooh, walkin' in a winter wonderland
Gone away is a bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, "Are you married?" we'll say, "No man"
"You can do the job when you're in town"
Later on we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid the plans that we've made
Walkin' in a winter wonderland
We'll be happy in love as two turtle-doves
Livin' in a fairyland
Ooh, we'll be walkin' in a winter wonderland

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