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Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (gyvai)

Pink Floyd

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1968 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
Under the eaves the swallow is resting
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Over the mountain watching the watcher
Breaking the darkness
Waking the grapevine
knowledge of love is knowledge of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Witness the man who raves at the wall
Making the shape of his question to Heaven
Whether the sun will fall in the evening
Will he remember the lesson of giving
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
Under the eaves the swallow is resting
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Over the mountain watching the watcher
Breaking the darkness
Waking the grapevine
knowledge of love is knowledge of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Witness the man who raves at the wall
Making the shape of his question to Heaven
Whether the sun will fall in the evening
Will he remember the lesson of giving
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

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Komentarai (5)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2017 m. gruodžio 10 d. 20:30:10
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Kokia šamaniška atmosfera...

Gaila, kad Dievas mūsų nebepageidauja čia.
2015 m. birželio 28 d. 18:22:19
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Stipri muzika. Labai patiko.

2014 m. balandžio 30 d. 06:49:34 2014-04-30 06:50:32
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

...superinė būgnų linija...

2013 m. gegužės 24 d. 17:15:29
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Praktiškai mistiškiausia PinkFloydų daina (man)

nekask kitam duobės – nes įkrisi... не рой другому ямы, в неё попадёшь.... who mischief hatches - mischief catches
2008 m. balandžio 16 d. 19:06:42
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Pink Floyd - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

Gyvenk sia diena pagal saules taisykle

Little by little the night turns around.
Counting the leaves which tremble and turn.
Lotus's lean on each other in union.
Over the hills where a swallow is resting.

Nykstukas zygiuoja per lotoso zieda:
Jie zeme paliks po desimt minuciu.
Vikruole kregzdute snapelyje nesa
Mazu kirmelaiciu saviesiems vaikuciams.

Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
Gyvenk sia diena pagal saules taisykle

Over the mountain watching the watcher.
Breaking the darkness waking the grapevine.
Morning to birth is born into shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine.

Bet ji dar nezino, kad lizdas sugriautas,
Nes mirtina pedsaka kazkas jau paliko.
Gyvenk sia diena pagal saules taisykle
Ir savaja siluma skirstyk po lygiai,

Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun.

Gyvenk sia diena pagal saules taisykle.
pagal saules taisykle. pagal saules taisykle.

Who is the man who arrives at the wall?
Making the shape of his questions at asking.
Thinking the sun will fall in the evening.
Will he remember the lesson of giving?

Nes tu nezinai ir net nepajusi,
Kaip draugas ar priesas vidurnakti mirsta.
Negedek mirusiuju ir laimink gyvuosius.
Gyvenk sia diena pagal saules taisykle,
Nes siluma tavo kazka vis isgydo.

Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun.

Gyvenk sia diena pagal saules taisykle.
pagal saules taisykle. pagal saules taisykle.

nekask kitam duobės – nes įkrisi... не рой другому ямы, в неё попадёшь.... who mischief hatches - mischief catches
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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