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Soul Gambler

Spiritual Front

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2001 m.

Learn that there is always a winner even when we don't need any roles even when there's nothing to win in this space without warmth through this stiff light that passes beyond malice beyond logic which unites the history of compassion to that of envy I'll watch yours to reflect the failure I have constructed I'm so ridiculous when I try to defend myself you know I'm nothing if I breath through you You nourished me with the obscenity of your faith in the shame of your repentance I don't know how to suffer nor feel more than you do beside us frustration hope action purity equilibrium everything has value but not for me or just for this instant I don't want to believe it anymore I don't want to believe you it anymore I'm so ridiculous when I try to defend myself you know
I'm nothing if I breath through you

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Esamas tekstas

Learn that there is always a winner even when we don't need any roles even when there's nothing to win in this space without warmth through this stiff light that passes beyond malice beyond logic which unites the history of compassion to that of envy I'll watch yours to reflect the failure I have constructed I'm so ridiculous when I try to defend myself you know I'm nothing if I breath through you You nourished me with the obscenity of your faith in the shame of your repentance I don't know how to suffer nor feel more than you do beside us frustration hope action purity equilibrium everything has value but not for me or just for this instant I don't want to believe it anymore I don't want to believe you it anymore I'm so ridiculous when I try to defend myself you know
I'm nothing if I breath through you

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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