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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Beneath the Sea of Ayrouhr lies the Reef
Mountain of old and mountain of grief
Adjoining the ocean motions
to balance the scales of the deep

The streams of the Sea carries Father Robin
To the Grand Reef at the edge of the dream
Where he is captured by the island people
Hoping to sacrifice him

Trembling with rage Robin tries to flee
but held by a hundred he cannot break free
We shall cast you into the void of rebirth
at the top of the reef

Placed on an altar in front of the hole
A terrible fall to devour his soul
Endlessly falling into the void
Where I fear there is nothing at all

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Esamas tekstas

Beneath the Sea of Ayrouhr lies the Reef
Mountain of old and mountain of grief
Adjoining the ocean motions
to balance the scales of the deep

The streams of the Sea carries Father Robin
To the Grand Reef at the edge of the dream
Where he is captured by the island people
Hoping to sacrifice him

Trembling with rage Robin tries to flee
but held by a hundred he cannot break free
We shall cast you into the void of rebirth
at the top of the reef

Placed on an altar in front of the hole
A terrible fall to devour his soul
Endlessly falling into the void
Where I fear there is nothing at all

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