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The Tale of Father Robin

The Chronicles of Father Robin

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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

This is the tale of Father Robin
Living in a mighty tree
Gathered from the dream was he
One was one and one was three

The one, the seed, the wanderer, the prince of day and light
The waker and the dreamlit star
that shineth from a far, so bright
The brother of the night

With the mystic essence of the dream he made the rivers and
the greatest of all trees, the tree of life
And the beings of the greens, of wich we sing
Father Robin the waker of our spring

The one, the seed, the wanderer, the prince of day and light
The waker and the dreamlit star
that shineth from a far, so bright
The brother of the night

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

This is the tale of Father Robin
Living in a mighty tree
Gathered from the dream was he
One was one and one was three

The one, the seed, the wanderer, the prince of day and light
The waker and the dreamlit star
that shineth from a far, so bright
The brother of the night

With the mystic essence of the dream he made the rivers and
the greatest of all trees, the tree of life
And the beings of the greens, of wich we sing
Father Robin the waker of our spring

The one, the seed, the wanderer, the prince of day and light
The waker and the dreamlit star
that shineth from a far, so bright
The brother of the night

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