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Tiny Bubble

Paul McCartney

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2001 m.

If you're part of my love
Don't leave home tonight
While we're sleeping we can learn to see that
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
Those of us who notice are
Expected to hide
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside, the truth

When I look in your eyes
I can see the sky
Shining down upon the perfect garden
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
Those of us who notice are
Expected to hide
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside the truth

You can't imagine just what I've been going through
I wouldn't wish it on a soul much less on you
I well remember when my heart was free
My soul could laugh, so could we

If you're part of my love
Don't leave home tonight
While we're sleeping we can learn to see that
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
Those of us who notice are
Expected to hide
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside, the truth

You can't imagine just what I've been going through
I wouldn't wish it on a soul much less on you
I well remember when my soul was free
My heart could sing, so could we

If you're part of my love
You won't leave home tonight
While we're sleeping we can learn to see that
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside

All the world's a tiny bubble
Repeat to end

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

If you're part of my love
Don't leave home tonight
While we're sleeping we can learn to see that
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
Those of us who notice are
Expected to hide
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside, the truth

When I look in your eyes
I can see the sky
Shining down upon the perfect garden
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
Those of us who notice are
Expected to hide
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside the truth

You can't imagine just what I've been going through
I wouldn't wish it on a soul much less on you
I well remember when my heart was free
My soul could laugh, so could we

If you're part of my love
Don't leave home tonight
While we're sleeping we can learn to see that
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
Those of us who notice are
Expected to hide
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside, the truth

You can't imagine just what I've been going through
I wouldn't wish it on a soul much less on you
I well remember when my soul was free
My heart could sing, so could we

If you're part of my love
You won't leave home tonight
While we're sleeping we can learn to see that
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside
All the world's a tiny bubble
Floating inside

All the world's a tiny bubble
Repeat to end

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