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I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

Pet Shop Boys

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1993 m.

Klausyti nemokamai


Ask me why,
I say it's most unusual
How can I even try to explain
Why today I feel like dancing
Singing like lovers sing
When I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing?
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

Ask me when, (ta ra ra ra)
I say it started when I met you (ta ra ra ra ra ra)
And ever since then I knew that the past couldn't last
For right now, I think I'm running
A race that I know I'm gonna win
And I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

If people say I'm crazy, I tell 'em that it's true
Let them watch with amazement
Say it won't last beyond breakfast
It's a phase he's going through
Denigrate or speculate on what I'm going through
Because it isn't the sort of thing I would normally do

Ask me what, (ta ra ra ra)
I say I think it's good for you (ta ra ra ra ra)
Believe it or not, I know where it's all leading to
I feel like taking all my clothes off
Dancing to the Rite of Spring
And I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of -
This kind of thing

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


Ask me why,
I say it's most unusual
How can I even try to explain
Why today I feel like dancing
Singing like lovers sing
When I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing?
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

Ask me when, (ta ra ra ra)
I say it started when I met you (ta ra ra ra ra ra)
And ever since then I knew that the past couldn't last
For right now, I think I'm running
A race that I know I'm gonna win
And I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

If people say I'm crazy, I tell 'em that it's true
Let them watch with amazement
Say it won't last beyond breakfast
It's a phase he's going through
Denigrate or speculate on what I'm going through
Because it isn't the sort of thing I would normally do

Ask me what, (ta ra ra ra)
I say I think it's good for you (ta ra ra ra ra)
Believe it or not, I know where it's all leading to
I feel like taking all my clothes off
Dancing to the Rite of Spring
And I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of -
This kind of thing

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