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Arcade Machine


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2016 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Ask me what I can see, ceiling pushing on me
Feeling stress in a queue, feeling lost without you

I might drown in this rain, I might die of this pain
Should I stay in my bed? Can you repeat what you said?
Remove those feeling of dread. Am I sick in the head?

Live or Die. Die or Live. Truth or Lie. The world will end
Sink or Swim. Swim or sink. It doesn’t pay to stop and think

It just the same when I’m dead I’ll be outside my head

Remove these feelings of dread. Should I leave you instead?
Am I sick in the head? Am I sick in the head? Am I sick in the head?

Nice house, cool car Who the hell d’ya think you are?
Do you stay awake at night? When you have to take a flight

Spent it like the world will end. Eat it, drink it, buy your friends
Has your god forsaken you? The devil’s giving something new

Did you get what you want? Do you sleep without fear?
Don’t you ask who you are? Don’t you ask who you are?

Kill yourself to pay the man. Feed it to your pension plan
Buying stuff you never use. Mental health you’re gonna lose

Forget your kids, abuse your wife, forget the need to have a life
40 years of living hell, leaves you like an empty shell

Born. Live. Die.
Insert a coin. Lose a life.

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Esamas tekstas

Ask me what I can see, ceiling pushing on me
Feeling stress in a queue, feeling lost without you

I might drown in this rain, I might die of this pain
Should I stay in my bed? Can you repeat what you said?
Remove those feeling of dread. Am I sick in the head?

Live or Die. Die or Live. Truth or Lie. The world will end
Sink or Swim. Swim or sink. It doesn’t pay to stop and think

It just the same when I’m dead I’ll be outside my head

Remove these feelings of dread. Should I leave you instead?
Am I sick in the head? Am I sick in the head? Am I sick in the head?

Nice house, cool car Who the hell d’ya think you are?
Do you stay awake at night? When you have to take a flight

Spent it like the world will end. Eat it, drink it, buy your friends
Has your god forsaken you? The devil’s giving something new

Did you get what you want? Do you sleep without fear?
Don’t you ask who you are? Don’t you ask who you are?

Kill yourself to pay the man. Feed it to your pension plan
Buying stuff you never use. Mental health you’re gonna lose

Forget your kids, abuse your wife, forget the need to have a life
40 years of living hell, leaves you like an empty shell

Born. Live. Die.
Insert a coin. Lose a life.

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