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Death Of A King


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2015 m. liepos 17 d.

Klausyti nemokamai

Carried by restless winds
Under the crimson cloud
I sailed the purple waves
Aboard my comely ship
The ship was adorned with banners
With flags dedicated for me
A spirit summoned to its sails
Emblems painted with blood

The evening came, the night fell
The moon rose, circled the island
And all around me
The starry skies glittered in the water

I asked for holy words
Besought his sage advice
I bowed to the skull of the bear
I prayed for the spirit of god
I asked for his holy words
And my heart began to sing
To the beat of the heavenly drum
And I prayed for the spirit of god

The ship it plotted my course
Evaded the rocks and shoals
It brought me to an island
On the shore of a sacred place

I climbed the side of the mountain
Made my way up, up the craggy slope
And on the top on a field of jagged rocks
I met a hallowed god

The wind it sang, the ship it rocked
White-crested waves the knew my course
As I felt to restless sleep
I wandered to a time that’s yet to come

I asked for holy words
Besought his sage advice
I bowed to the skull of the bear
I prayed for the spirit of god
I asked for his holy words
And my heart began to sing
To the beat of the heavenly drum
And I prayed for the spirit of god

I met a hallowed god

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 4, aukščiausia vieta: 16
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Esamas tekstas

Carried by restless winds
Under the crimson cloud
I sailed the purple waves
Aboard my comely ship
The ship was adorned with banners
With flags dedicated for me
A spirit summoned to its sails
Emblems painted with blood

The evening came, the night fell
The moon rose, circled the island
And all around me
The starry skies glittered in the water

I asked for holy words
Besought his sage advice
I bowed to the skull of the bear
I prayed for the spirit of god
I asked for his holy words
And my heart began to sing
To the beat of the heavenly drum
And I prayed for the spirit of god

The ship it plotted my course
Evaded the rocks and shoals
It brought me to an island
On the shore of a sacred place

I climbed the side of the mountain
Made my way up, up the craggy slope
And on the top on a field of jagged rocks
I met a hallowed god

The wind it sang, the ship it rocked
White-crested waves the knew my course
As I felt to restless sleep
I wandered to a time that’s yet to come

I asked for holy words
Besought his sage advice
I bowed to the skull of the bear
I prayed for the spirit of god
I asked for his holy words
And my heart began to sing
To the beat of the heavenly drum
And I prayed for the spirit of god

I met a hallowed god

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