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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1991 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Mercy - pure and simple
Longing - cold and hollow
With sweet breath you'd come to warm me
But I held on too hard to only a memory
You lie there on the swollen ground
Deserted in your heart
Still longing for what yesterdays lost
And for all that tomorrow might bring
The passion lost - taken, stolen
The dreams we had and we shared - shattered, broken
With kind words you'd come to soothe me
But I go blind and filled with fear
Would send you away from me
There is no hope in regretting now
All the pain that we could not see
We both knew what we wanted
And we took it believing it free
And we took it believing it free.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Mercy - pure and simple
Longing - cold and hollow
With sweet breath you'd come to warm me
But I held on too hard to only a memory
You lie there on the swollen ground
Deserted in your heart
Still longing for what yesterdays lost
And for all that tomorrow might bring
The passion lost - taken, stolen
The dreams we had and we shared - shattered, broken
With kind words you'd come to soothe me
But I go blind and filled with fear
Would send you away from me
There is no hope in regretting now
All the pain that we could not see
We both knew what we wanted
And we took it believing it free
And we took it believing it free.

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