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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2007 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

God this must, must be for certain if you are here
Raise my world an ossuary staring through the gate wide-eyed
Did you think I'd salivate and beg
Don't sell me tones of liberation standing in a cage
May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight
Save your tears my child
Take it, hold it, keep it, know
We choose this suffering

There they stand straining to scrutinize the sage
String me up these soap box augers
Seeking out the ways divined here from the citadel its claimed
Serpents waiting in the shadows keep us from the dream
May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight
Save your tears my child
Take it, hold it, keep it, know
We choose this suffering

I pushed the button and I pulled the trigger
I killed our brothers and murdered our sisters
I am the pattern the plague and the prison
And I tore the wound and let it bleed.

May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight
Save your tears my child
Take it, hold it, keep it, know
We chose this suffering and we are not alone

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

God this must, must be for certain if you are here
Raise my world an ossuary staring through the gate wide-eyed
Did you think I'd salivate and beg
Don't sell me tones of liberation standing in a cage
May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight
Save your tears my child
Take it, hold it, keep it, know
We choose this suffering

There they stand straining to scrutinize the sage
String me up these soap box augers
Seeking out the ways divined here from the citadel its claimed
Serpents waiting in the shadows keep us from the dream
May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight
Save your tears my child
Take it, hold it, keep it, know
We choose this suffering

I pushed the button and I pulled the trigger
I killed our brothers and murdered our sisters
I am the pattern the plague and the prison
And I tore the wound and let it bleed.

May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight
Save your tears my child
Take it, hold it, keep it, know
We chose this suffering and we are not alone

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