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The Tragedy Within


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2005 m.

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The Tragedy Within

All The Mornings That Passed Gathering A Grief To Last
A New Pain Is Born
A Misery With No Demise
Just A Tragedy Within Me. Many Years Of My Life
Moaning To Their Divine
And The Mourners I've Seen
Are Struggling In Between
Their Forgotten Days ..
And The Days To Come No Words That I Have
About The Unknown Of Life
Nothing Can Take Me (Out) Of
My Blasphemous Life Another Friday Had Come
And It's Prays Were Missed God Is Waiting .. We Are Bearing
A Day Will Come When No One Is Wrong
And A life Has Passed
With No One To Regret The Cries We Lived
And The Times We've Lost And I Know A Life will Be Reborn
A Young Sky Will Witness
All What I've Said And More
Will Be Repeated On Thy Soul
Until The End Of Time... Farewell

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Esamas tekstas

The Tragedy Within

All The Mornings That Passed Gathering A Grief To Last
A New Pain Is Born
A Misery With No Demise
Just A Tragedy Within Me. Many Years Of My Life
Moaning To Their Divine
And The Mourners I've Seen
Are Struggling In Between
Their Forgotten Days ..
And The Days To Come No Words That I Have
About The Unknown Of Life
Nothing Can Take Me (Out) Of
My Blasphemous Life Another Friday Had Come
And It's Prays Were Missed God Is Waiting .. We Are Bearing
A Day Will Come When No One Is Wrong
And A life Has Passed
With No One To Regret The Cries We Lived
And The Times We've Lost And I Know A Life will Be Reborn
A Young Sky Will Witness
All What I've Said And More
Will Be Repeated On Thy Soul
Until The End Of Time... Farewell

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