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Bon Jovi

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai


Last night I had a dream
The dream I had was true
I fell through the stars
When walking on the moon
Burned like a thousand candles in her arms

Her skin under my finger tips
The honeysuckle on her lips
Sweeter than a man deserves to taste
Mercy, mercy, what else can I say?

But amen, amen, amen

Last night we were born together
It was like we’d always been
She’ll be with me forever
If I don’t see her again
We poured the wine until our cup ran over

Unfolding like a mystery
Inside of her like poetry
A thousand horses running through my veins
Mercy, mercy what else can I say

Amen, amen, amen

I laid down in her garden
Naked on her floor
Windows up, the curtains blowing
She don’t lock the door

Amen, amen

At the banquet table
A beggar at a feast
I felt her tongue between my lips
And I forgot to breath
We stayed there ‘til the candles burned the carpet

Last night I had a dream
The dream I had was true
Mercy, mercy, what else can I say
Mercy, mercy, I kneeled down and prayed

Amen, amen, amen

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


Last night I had a dream
The dream I had was true
I fell through the stars
When walking on the moon
Burned like a thousand candles in her arms

Her skin under my finger tips
The honeysuckle on her lips
Sweeter than a man deserves to taste
Mercy, mercy, what else can I say?

But amen, amen, amen

Last night we were born together
It was like we’d always been
She’ll be with me forever
If I don’t see her again
We poured the wine until our cup ran over

Unfolding like a mystery
Inside of her like poetry
A thousand horses running through my veins
Mercy, mercy what else can I say

Amen, amen, amen

I laid down in her garden
Naked on her floor
Windows up, the curtains blowing
She don’t lock the door

Amen, amen

At the banquet table
A beggar at a feast
I felt her tongue between my lips
And I forgot to breath
We stayed there ‘til the candles burned the carpet

Last night I had a dream
The dream I had was true
Mercy, mercy, what else can I say
Mercy, mercy, I kneeled down and prayed

Amen, amen, amen

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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