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Janie, Don't Take Your Love To Town

Bon Jovi

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1997 m.

Sitting here just watching you sleep
Wish I could slip inside and be
In some Technicolor dream
But the air's too thick for one of us to breathe
I'm not fool enough to think
You couldn't live life without me

I didn't come this far to throw the towel in
I didn't fight this hard to walk away
If I ain't smart enough to say I'm sorry
It's just because the words got in the way

I remember how it used to be
I was you and you were me
We were more than just the same
Now these shoes don't fit, my skin's too tight
When you want a kiss, I take a bite
Let your heart call up the cops, read me my rights

Last night I drank enough to drown
Raise a toast to your good looks and to my health
Look, we both know how much I've let you down
Janie don't you take your love to town

Janie don't you take your love to town
Janie don't you take your love to town
If I've got to beg, I'll beg, just don't walk away
Janie don't you take your love to town

You deserve a shooter, a saint
Someone to give it to you straight
To find the soul throught flesh and bone
My life's a treasure, full of sunny weather
But it's left me feeling cold
Now all you want to do is take me home

I hated you, the night you said you loved me
I hated you, 'cause I couldn't love myself
I'm begging you now, baby please just hold me
I got one foot in, one foot off the ground

Janie don't you take your love to town
Janie don't you take your love to town
If I've got to beg, I'll beg, just don't walk away
Janie don't you take your love to town

Sitting here while you're fast asleep
In the bathroom by the sink
Trying to write the right words down
I turn out the lights, close my eyes
There ain't no prayers or kiss goodnight
What I'll forget to say tomorrow, I'll say now
Janie don't you take your love to town

Janie don't you take your love to town
Janie don't you take your love to town
If I've got to beg, I'll beg, just don't walk away
Janie don't you take your love to town

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Sitting here just watching you sleep
Wish I could slip inside and be
In some Technicolor dream
But the air's too thick for one of us to breathe
I'm not fool enough to think
You couldn't live life without me

I didn't come this far to throw the towel in
I didn't fight this hard to walk away
If I ain't smart enough to say I'm sorry
It's just because the words got in the way

I remember how it used to be
I was you and you were me
We were more than just the same
Now these shoes don't fit, my skin's too tight
When you want a kiss, I take a bite
Let your heart call up the cops, read me my rights

Last night I drank enough to drown
Raise a toast to your good looks and to my health
Look, we both know how much I've let you down
Janie don't you take your love to town

Janie don't you take your love to town
Janie don't you take your love to town
If I've got to beg, I'll beg, just don't walk away
Janie don't you take your love to town

You deserve a shooter, a saint
Someone to give it to you straight
To find the soul throught flesh and bone
My life's a treasure, full of sunny weather
But it's left me feeling cold
Now all you want to do is take me home

I hated you, the night you said you loved me
I hated you, 'cause I couldn't love myself
I'm begging you now, baby please just hold me
I got one foot in, one foot off the ground

Janie don't you take your love to town
Janie don't you take your love to town
If I've got to beg, I'll beg, just don't walk away
Janie don't you take your love to town

Sitting here while you're fast asleep
In the bathroom by the sink
Trying to write the right words down
I turn out the lights, close my eyes
There ain't no prayers or kiss goodnight
What I'll forget to say tomorrow, I'll say now
Janie don't you take your love to town

Janie don't you take your love to town
Janie don't you take your love to town
If I've got to beg, I'll beg, just don't walk away
Janie don't you take your love to town

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