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Clockwork Angels


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Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

High above the city square
Globes of light float in mid-air
Higher still, against the night
Clockwork angels bathed in light

You promise every treasure, to the foolish and the wise
Goddesses of mystery, spirits in disguise
Every pleasure, we bow and close our eyes
Clockwork angels, promise every prize

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands
As if to fly
As if to fly

All around the city square
Power shimmers in the air
People gazing up with love
To those angels high above

Celestial machinery - move through your commands
Goddesses of mystery, so delicate and so grand
Moved to worship, we bow and close our eyes
Clockwork angels, promise every prize

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands
As if to fly
As if to fly

"Lean not upon your own understanding
Ignorance is well and truly blessed
Trust in perfect love, and perfect planning
Everything will turn out for the best"

Stars aglow like scattered sparks
Span the sky in clockwork arcs
Hint at more than we can see
Spiritual machinery

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands

As if to fly

"What do you lack?"

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

High above the city square
Globes of light float in mid-air
Higher still, against the night
Clockwork angels bathed in light

You promise every treasure, to the foolish and the wise
Goddesses of mystery, spirits in disguise
Every pleasure, we bow and close our eyes
Clockwork angels, promise every prize

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands
As if to fly
As if to fly

All around the city square
Power shimmers in the air
People gazing up with love
To those angels high above

Celestial machinery - move through your commands
Goddesses of mystery, so delicate and so grand
Moved to worship, we bow and close our eyes
Clockwork angels, promise every prize

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands
As if to fly
As if to fly

"Lean not upon your own understanding
Ignorance is well and truly blessed
Trust in perfect love, and perfect planning
Everything will turn out for the best"

Stars aglow like scattered sparks
Span the sky in clockwork arcs
Hint at more than we can see
Spiritual machinery

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands

Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands

As if to fly

"What do you lack?"

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2014 m. lapkričio 30 d. 22:53:48
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Kad mane kur, Lifesonas turi gražų rifą. Būgnai Pearto valioje, ritmas nuolat mainosi, jokio šablono. Gedis išsaugojo skaidrų aukšta balsą. Viena geriausių dainų Rush kolekcijoje.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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