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Headlong Flight


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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2012 m. balandžio 18 d.

Klausyti nemokamai

All the journeys of this great adventure
It didn't always feel that way
I wouldn't trade them because I made them
The best I could, and that's enough to say

Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again

All the highlights of that headlong flight
Holding on with all my might
To what I felt back then
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
Oh I wish that I could live it all again

All the treasures, the gold & glory
It didn't always feel that way
I don't regret it - I'll never forget it
I wouldn't trade tomorrow for today

Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
How I wish that I could live it all again

The days were dark
And the nights were bright
I would never trade tomorrow for today

All the highlights of that headlong flight
Holding on with all my might
Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to steal
I wish that I could...

Oh I wish that I could live it all again

Topai ir rinkimai:
2012 - Žvilgsnis atgal | Mėgstamiausios 2012 m. dainos #305 TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 2, aukščiausia vieta: 37
Susiję įrašai:
 2013-04-07  einaras13

Iracionalumas svilėsiuose

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

All the journeys of this great adventure
It didn't always feel that way
I wouldn't trade them because I made them
The best I could, and that's enough to say

Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again

All the highlights of that headlong flight
Holding on with all my might
To what I felt back then
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
Oh I wish that I could live it all again

All the treasures, the gold & glory
It didn't always feel that way
I don't regret it - I'll never forget it
I wouldn't trade tomorrow for today

Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
How I wish that I could live it all again

The days were dark
And the nights were bright
I would never trade tomorrow for today

All the highlights of that headlong flight
Holding on with all my might
Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
I wish that I could live it all again

I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels
Steer the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to steal
I wish that I could...

Oh I wish that I could live it all again

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (4)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2018 m. sausio 24 d. 23:12:09
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Man galvoje nepradėjo skambėti, bet irgi įvyko atgimimas po keleto metų. Išlaikė išbandymą ir daina, ir visas albumas. Clockwork Angels laisvai galiu dėti į savo asmeninį geriausių albumų topą, kokį top10 netgi. Apie dainą, tai nežinau, kur anksčiau įžvelgiau heavį joje. Grynas hardas, tik labai modernus, ir gal dėl to dabar ši daina taip stipriai nebeveikia, kaip kokiais 2013. Vis tiek labai gerai.

Gaila, kad Dievas mūsų nebepageidauja čia.
2015 m. spalio 7 d. 21:38:31
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Šio kūrinio motyvas savaime galvoje pradėjo skambėti šį savaitgalį. Tai toks mini Clockwork'o atgimimas šią savaitę, o ypač šio kūrinio. Ypač patinka priedainis. Tekstas gal nėra iš giliausių, bet irgi įdomus. Kietas kūrinys kietos grupės.

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
2013 m. liepos 26 d. 20:22:47
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Vis tik ties 4:50

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
2013 m. liepos 26 d. 20:21:13
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Atrodo, visai neseniai pasirodė Clockwork Angels, o jau daugiau nei metai. Ši daina tikrai labai profesionali. Aišku, Rush stilius man dažnai per aštrus, bet ši daina turi kažką, kas užkabino ir verčia lyginti su senų laikų kūriniais. Pripažinsiu, ši daina vis tik liko viena geriausių Rush repertuare. Boso partija, jei neklystu, apie 5:00 labai puiki.

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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