I noticed tonight that the world has been turning
While I've been stuck here dithering around
Though I know I said I'd wait around till you need me
But I have to go, I hate to let you down
But I can't stop now
I've got troubles of my own
Cause I'm short on time
I'm lonely
And I'm too tired to talk
I noticed tonight that the world has been turning
While I've been stuck here withering away
Though I know I said I wouldn't leave you behind
But I have to go, it breaks my heart to say
That I can't stop now
I've got troubles of my own
Cause I'm short on time
I'm lonely
And I'm too tired to talk
To no one back home
I've got troubles of my own
And I can't slow down
For no one in town
And I can't stop now
And I can't slow down
For no one in town
And I can't stop now
For no one
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
Aš tiesiog būčiau The Nice įkėlęs tuo momentu, kai Silentist mažiausiai tikisi, nes dabar susidaro įspūdis, kad nuolatiniu burbuliavimu galima pasiekt naudingų dalykų. Taip, Silentist manyje net tokio lygio pagiežą išaugino pastaruoju metu.
VA, parodziau kyshi.
Ikelkit nice kas nors jus keliate pastoviai children of boredom & pain in the as for salvation! As esu paskutini karta keles 2016metais kai man buvo 38m. Ir mano rankos buvo stiprios
2008 m. lapkričio 25 d. 00:01:17
Under The Iron Sea