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See You On The Other Side

Ozzy Osbourne

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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1995 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

(O.Osbourne - L.Kilmister - Z.Wylde)
Voices, a thousand, thousand voices
Whispering, the time has passed for choices
Golden days are passing over, yeah

I can't seen to see you baby
Although my eyes are open wide
But I know I'll see you once more

When I see you, I'll see you on the other side
Yes, I'll see you, I'll see you on the other side

Leaving, I hate to see you cry
Grieving, I hate to say goodbye
Dust and ash forever, yeah

Though I know we must be parted
As sure as stars are in the sky
I'm gonna see you when it comes to glory

And I'll see you, I'll see you on the other side
Yes, I'll see you, I'll see you on the other side

Never thought I'd feel like this
Strange to be alone, yeah
But we'll be together
Carved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stone

Hold me, hold me tight I'm falling
Far away, distant voices calling
I'm so cold, I need you darling, yeah

I was down, but now I'm flying
Straight across the great divide
I know you're crying, but I'll stop you crying

When I see you I see you on the other side
Yes, I'll see you, see you on the other side
I'm gonna see you, see you on the other side
God knows I'll see you, see you on the other side, yeah

I'll see you, see you on the other side
I'm gonna see you, see you on the other side
God knows I'll see you, see you on the other side, yeah
I wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other side
God knows I'll see you, see you on the other side

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

(O.Osbourne - L.Kilmister - Z.Wylde)
Voices, a thousand, thousand voices
Whispering, the time has passed for choices
Golden days are passing over, yeah

I can't seen to see you baby
Although my eyes are open wide
But I know I'll see you once more

When I see you, I'll see you on the other side
Yes, I'll see you, I'll see you on the other side

Leaving, I hate to see you cry
Grieving, I hate to say goodbye
Dust and ash forever, yeah

Though I know we must be parted
As sure as stars are in the sky
I'm gonna see you when it comes to glory

And I'll see you, I'll see you on the other side
Yes, I'll see you, I'll see you on the other side

Never thought I'd feel like this
Strange to be alone, yeah
But we'll be together
Carved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stone

Hold me, hold me tight I'm falling
Far away, distant voices calling
I'm so cold, I need you darling, yeah

I was down, but now I'm flying
Straight across the great divide
I know you're crying, but I'll stop you crying

When I see you I see you on the other side
Yes, I'll see you, see you on the other side
I'm gonna see you, see you on the other side
God knows I'll see you, see you on the other side, yeah

I'll see you, see you on the other side
I'm gonna see you, see you on the other side
God knows I'll see you, see you on the other side, yeah
I wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other side
God knows I'll see you, see you on the other side

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Komentarai (3)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2011 m. liepos 2 d. 09:50:04
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Šakės!!! Niekad nemaniau, kad Ozis gali būti toks romantikas. Ši baladė lygiuojasi su Dreamer. Įdomi detalė, kad prie tos dainos prisidėjęs Lemis Kilmisteris iš Motorhead. Kažin kokia jo įnašo dalis?

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
2011 m. sausio 20 d. 00:42:56
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Viena is daugelio

2010 m. rugsėjo 27 d. 13:50:50
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Neišpasakytai Tobula & žiauriai Nuostabi baladė !
Ozzy kūryboje tai neabejotinai Numero Uno ...

* ... Juk iš tikrųjų Mintys & Svajonės pernelyg dažnai savivaliauja : Jos kada panorėjusios ateina, kada panorėjusios - išeina .. Toks jausmas, tarsi Jos būtų savarankiški, Nuo Niekieno Norų Nepriklausomi & Gyvi Padarai .. Yep's ... * ;-]
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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