Why do they always send the poor?
My God is of Bible blood with pointed ears
Victorious, victorious steel
Can your spending kneel?
Marching forward hypocritic
And hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth
La la la la la la la la la la
Everybody is going to the party
Have a real good time
Dancing in the desert
Blowing up the sunshine
Kneeling roses
Disappearing into Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox
Stealing our intentions
Every city, gripped in oil
Crying freedom!
Handed to obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
la la la la la la la la la la
Everybody is going to the party
Have a real good time
Dancing in the desert
Blowing up the sunshine
Everybody is going to the party
Have a real good time
Dancing in the desert
Blowing up the sunshine
Blast off, it's party time
And we all live in a fascist nation
Blast off, it's party time
And where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Kneeling roses
Disappearing into Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox
Stealing our intentions
Every city, gripped in oil
Crying freedom!
Handed to a obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
la la la la la la la la la la
Everybody is going to the party
Have a real good time
Dancing in the desert
Blowing up the sunshine
Everybody is going to the party
Have a real good time
Dancing in the desert
Blowing up the sun
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor!
They always send the poor!
My God is of Bible blood with pointed ears
Victorious, victorious steel
Can your spending kneel?
Marching forward hypocritic
išgirdau kažkaip visai ne taip, na bet nėra ko ir norėti kaip tooookiu greičiu išdainuoja
O apskritai nuostabi ir daina ir jos klipas įdomus, labai gražu kaip jie derina ir rėkima ir lėtą dainavimą ir šnabždesį ir paprastą kalbėjimą..
Labai graži daina, kaip ir dauguma jų žinoma
A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself
2012 m. balandžio 14 d. 10:21:41
Jie serga psichopatija
O šiaip apie gabaliuką:
Neturintis mirti, nemirštamas.
Čia ir buvo mano relig. priėmimo į krikščionių religija sakramentas, jo apeigos, taip sakant, pati pirma dainūška, išgirsta iš B.Y.O.B.
2011 m. gegužės 2 d. 01:10:07
kietas, nemirtingas gabaliokas !
cia ir buvo mano krikstas, taip sakant, pirma daina, isgirsta is SOAD'u.
2010 m. rugsėjo 9 d. 17:26:57
2010 m. rugpjūčio 16 d. 13:58:26
2010 m. kovo 2 d. 22:10:29
My God is of Bible blood with pointed ears
Victorious, victorious steel
Can your spending kneel?
Marching forward hypocritic
išgirdau kažkaip visai ne taip, na bet nėra ko ir norėti kaip tooookiu greičiu išdainuoja
O apskritai nuostabi ir daina ir jos klipas įdomus, labai gražu kaip jie derina ir rėkima ir lėtą dainavimą ir šnabždesį ir paprastą kalbėjimą..
Labai graži daina, kaip ir dauguma jų žinoma
A pill to make you numb A pill to make you dumb A pill to make you anybody else But all the drugs in this world Won't save her from herself
2010 m. sausio 17 d. 21:00:57
Neįmanoma atrasti naujų vandenynų, jei bijosite iš akių pamesti krantą...
2009 m. liepos 11 d. 18:33:02
\"The best is yet to come..\"
2008 m. spalio 3 d. 18:00:55
Iš filosofiškai pabaltintų karstų aš išmetu tai, kas juose yra, ir juokiuosi sardonišku įniršiu.
2008 m. gegužės 4 d. 09:01:32
psichopatai (gerąja prasme)
Aut bene,aut nihil.