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Deer Dance

System of a Down

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2001 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Circumventing circuses
lamenting in protest
to visible police
presence sponsored fear
batallions of riot police
with rubber bullet kisses
baton courtesy
service with a smile

Beyond the staples center you can see America
with it's tired poor avenging disgrace
peaceful loving youth against the brutality
of plastic existence

pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around

A rush of words
pleading to disperse
upon your naked walls, alive
A political call
the fall guy accord
we can't afford to be neutral on a moving train

Beyond the staples center you can see America
with it's tired poor avenging disgrace
peaceful loving youth against the brutality
of plastic existence

pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around

push them around
A deer dance, invitation to peace
war staring you in the face, dressed in black
with a helmet, fierce
trained and appropriate for the malcontents
for the disproportioned malcontents.

The little boy smiled, it'll all be well until
The little boy smiled, and it'll all be well

Pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
Pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
Pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around

Push the weak around
Push the weak around
Push the weak around
They like to push the weak around.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Circumventing circuses
lamenting in protest
to visible police
presence sponsored fear
batallions of riot police
with rubber bullet kisses
baton courtesy
service with a smile

Beyond the staples center you can see America
with it's tired poor avenging disgrace
peaceful loving youth against the brutality
of plastic existence

pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around

A rush of words
pleading to disperse
upon your naked walls, alive
A political call
the fall guy accord
we can't afford to be neutral on a moving train

Beyond the staples center you can see America
with it's tired poor avenging disgrace
peaceful loving youth against the brutality
of plastic existence

pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around

push them around
A deer dance, invitation to peace
war staring you in the face, dressed in black
with a helmet, fierce
trained and appropriate for the malcontents
for the disproportioned malcontents.

The little boy smiled, it'll all be well until
The little boy smiled, and it'll all be well

Pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
Pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around
Pushing little children
with their fully automatics
they like to push the weak around

Push the weak around
Push the weak around
Push the weak around
They like to push the weak around.

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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