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The Union Forever (gyvai)

The White Stripes

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2010 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

It can't be love
for there is no true love
It can't be love
for there is no true love

Shure I'm C.F.K.
but you gotta love me
the cost no man can say
but you gotta love me

Well I'm sorry but I'm not
interested in gold mines,
oil wells, shipping or real estate
what would I liked to have been?
everything you hate

There is a manÊ
a certain man
and for the poor you may be shure
that he'll do all he can
who is this one?
[who's favorite son?]
just by his action has the traction
magnets on the run
who likes to smoke?
enjoys a joke?
and wouldn't get a bit
upset if he were really broke?
with wealth and fame
he's still the same
I'll bet you five you're not alive
If you don't now his name

You said the union forever
You said the union forever
You cried the union forever
but that was untrue girl
cause it can't be love

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

It can't be love
for there is no true love
It can't be love
for there is no true love

Shure I'm C.F.K.
but you gotta love me
the cost no man can say
but you gotta love me

Well I'm sorry but I'm not
interested in gold mines,
oil wells, shipping or real estate
what would I liked to have been?
everything you hate

There is a manÊ
a certain man
and for the poor you may be shure
that he'll do all he can
who is this one?
[who's favorite son?]
just by his action has the traction
magnets on the run
who likes to smoke?
enjoys a joke?
and wouldn't get a bit
upset if he were really broke?
with wealth and fame
he's still the same
I'll bet you five you're not alive
If you don't now his name

You said the union forever
You said the union forever
You cried the union forever
but that was untrue girl
cause it can't be love

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