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Late Night

Syd Barrett

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1970 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

When I woke up today
And you weren't there to play
Then I wanted to be with you
When you showed me your eyes
Whispered love at the skies
Then I wanted to stay with you
Inside me I feel alone and unreal
And the way you kiss will always be
A very special thing to me...

When I lay still at night seeing
Stars high and light
Then I wanted to be with you
When the rooftops shone dark
All alone (I) saw a spark
Spark of love just to stay with you
Inside me I feel alone and unreal
And the way you kiss will always be
A very special thing to me...

If I mention your name
Turn around on a chain
Then the sky opens for you
When we grew very tall
When I saw you so small
Then I wanted to stay with you
Inside me I feel alone and unreal
And the way you kiss will always be
A very special thing to me...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

When I woke up today
And you weren't there to play
Then I wanted to be with you
When you showed me your eyes
Whispered love at the skies
Then I wanted to stay with you
Inside me I feel alone and unreal
And the way you kiss will always be
A very special thing to me...

When I lay still at night seeing
Stars high and light
Then I wanted to be with you
When the rooftops shone dark
All alone (I) saw a spark
Spark of love just to stay with you
Inside me I feel alone and unreal
And the way you kiss will always be
A very special thing to me...

If I mention your name
Turn around on a chain
Then the sky opens for you
When we grew very tall
When I saw you so small
Then I wanted to stay with you
Inside me I feel alone and unreal
And the way you kiss will always be
A very special thing to me...

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